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Allie and Nicole (23) |
F/f F+/f F+/f+ exhibition teen WaterSport BDSM slavery bondage HighSchool humiliation nc Serious
Foreword : This tale is from the author Annie the slick.
She wrote two other stories : "Modern Maid" et "L.E.Z. – The Lesbian Sorority".
Some month ago, after email contact, Annie gave me the permission to translate this story in french.
Synopsis: Allie is a 15 year old girl that loses both her parents in an auto accident. She is taken in by her one time babysitter, Nicole, who has always lusted after her. Poor Allie is humiliated and forced to satisfy her new Mistress in many inventive ways.
Part 23 – The Reception
Deep breath: Allie, Lauren, Alex, Coquette, Miranda,
Susan, Nicole, Isis, Tawnee, Elizabeth, Aphrodite,
Aurora, Athena, Mistress Jytte, Sarah, Betsy, Jackie
If I missed someone then too bad.
How many kisses, how many gropes.
Lauren stood at the end of the receiving line next to Tawnee. She tried to hide her kerchief but there was nowhere to put it. She could feel juice leak from her cunt, she didn’t know if anyone could see anything, she didn’t know if it was red from her blood or white from Tawnee’s semen.
She glanced down and didn’t see anything, but Tawnee had filled her so full of cum that she could feel some sticky juices dribbling down her inner thigh, she really needed a few minutes to clean up. She tried to keep Tawnee’s sperm inside her but it still seemed to be working its way out of her pussy.
She turned to tell Tawnee that she needed to take a break and head to the bathroom, but just then the line was starting up. The first person in the line reached Tawnee and shook her hand, “May I kiss the bride?” the woman asked Tawnee pointing directly at Lauren.
“Of course.” She answered
Lauren turned, startled briefly by the conversation and then the woman took her in a tight embrace and French kissed her, forcing her tongue into her mouth. The kiss lasted for a good five seconds Lauren’s arms hung limp at her sides her eyes were wide in surprise.
The surprise sent a jolt through her body and Lauren felt a bit more of Tawnee’s semen seep out of her vagina. The drips were making there way down further. She could swear there were drips all the way down to her knees.
She ended a kiss and immediately the next woman in line stepped up and grabbed Lauren tightly and planted a deep passionate kiss on her. The next one grabbed her breast and massaged it as she kissed her. The next one slid a hand down her back and into the hem of her dress.
Lauren had a brief respite, but only long enough to see the line snake up the path and around the corner of the house, she couldn’t see the end. Then the next woman was upon her and planting another kiss. As she came up for a breath another was upon her, the woman snaked a hand all the way down inside her dress to palm her naked ass and with the other pulled her tight and kissed her.
The next pinched her nipple as she kissed her.
The next woman massaged both breasts as she kissed.
It went on and on, she kissed twenty then thirty women. She went on automatic, the sensual experience of getting kissed by so many women started to affect her. She started to moan to the gropes and pinches and kisses. Her nipples hardened to little rocks, red from the pinching.
Lauren felt her own juices mixing with her wife’s cum, her pussy become a sopping mess under the thin film of a dress she wore.
Then Allie’s Mistress, Nicole, was there, “I hope Allie is providing a good return for the generous sum Alex is paying me.”
“Why yes she is, I guess you could say she was an integral part of the whole wedding,” answered Tawnee and she and Nicole had a little laugh over the joke.
“It was a wonderful wedding, I’m sure the new Mrs. Cantrell here will make a wonderful wife. May I kiss her as well?”
“Of course.”
Nicole grabbed Lauren and kissed her full on the lips. Lauren didn’t even struggle anymore. Just accepted the advance. What could she do?
It took 45 minutes for the receiving line to completely finish, Lauren lost track of how many kisses she had forced upon her long before the end.
Susan came up and spoke quietly into Tawnee’s ear.
“Excuse me Mrs. Cantrell, but the schedule must be maintained, you and your wife need to move onto the next item on the agenda.” It took Tawnee a second or two to realize that Susan was talking to her. She was married now, she was Mrs. Cantrell.
“Yes yes, Susan, thank you.” She grabbed Lauren’s hand and led her into the house as the rest of the guests made their way out around back to the lower patio to the main reception area.
“Wait where are we going,” said a flustered Lauren. Her brain felt like mush. Getting used in the morning, seeing Allie as a hostage, the stress of the wedding, getting raped in the limo, the mass grope of the receiving line. Lauren had almost nothing left, her eyes were glazed she stumbled along after Tawnee.
“Don’t worry Lauren, it’s just another formality.”
“Aurora, the plan is in place, is the team ready?” Said Isis as she and Aurora meandered around the grounds impeccably dressed and seemingly perfectly at ease.
“Yes ma’am, all the champagne is drugged. We’ll be able to move in shortly after the toast. It should be straight forward, much like the Florence exercise we undertook last year.”
“Don’t get overconfident Arro,” Isis used her pet name for her lieutenant, “I’ve done dozens of these rescues, big and small, and I’ve seen plenty of them get all screwed up at the finish line.”
“Yes Ma’am, everyone is trained for the contingency plans you have outlined.” Aurora flashed the special gun in her holster under her jacket.
“Careful,” Isis glanced around, “Don’t get overconfident. Remember these are some powerful, tough women.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
They continued their nonchalant walk around the reception. Isis was concerned about Allie, she hadn’t seen her around the party as of yet.
Tawnee dragged Lauren into the Jacobs’ mansion and into the main salon. Lauren saw that the furniture in the room had been moved around. The chairs were lined up in a rectangle of two rows so the attending guests would all have a nice clear view of the center of the room.
And in the center of the room was a bed.
Lauren shook her head clear and started to struggle against Tawnee, “no, no, NO NO NO NO Fuck NO!”
Susan dropped her folder and helped Tawnee drag the struggling bride up to the bed.
As they made their way through the crowd Lauren could see more of the bed now. There were three cameras set up around it. They’re gonna FILM it!
The 50 or 60 guests in attendance started a nice round of applause as the bride was brought forth. Tawnee let go as several more women came up and took charge of securing Lauren to the bed, preparing her for her proper de-flowering.
Lauren was physically dragged up onto the bed, she struggled against her captors the whole way, screaming and cursing but all that caused was for a couple more guests to step forward and help. Soon there were 9 women helping in binding the girl to the bed.
First a collar was attached and secured to a “D” ring near the head of the bed. She could now only lift her head a few inches up from the mattress. Her wrists were pulled painfully tight to the upper corners and shackled to a pair of waiting chains. Her slim teen arms were stretched tightly.
Her ankles were secured to a three foot spreader bar and the bar tied off halfway up the bed, effectively raising her ass up and exposing her vagina for the “official” consummation.
With Lauren severely bound to the bed, the guests all sat down. Lauren struggled against her bindings for a minute and then collapsed as best she could and cried.
At the foot of the bed with an unobstructed view of Lauren’s ass sat Alex and Elizabeth at a large oak table. Each of them had their attorney sitting next to them and a pile of business paperwork ready for signatures.
Susan walked up to the bed and carefully lifted Lauren’s dress out of the way. The crowd grew silent as they saw her pussy for the first time. They could all see the trails of dried cum going down her legs and new drips of Tawnee’s semen emerging from her vagina. There was a gasp and some murmuring from the crowd, Lauren wasn’t a virgin.
The murmur grew quiet until the only sound in the room was the chair scraping back from the table as Elizabeth stood up in a temper and Lauren’s soft crying from her bound position on the bed.
“Tawnee, what the FUCK have you done!” She stormed around the table and slapped Tawnee’s cheek, knocking the girl down. “You knew about the ceremony and yet you fucked her anyways.”
Tawnee looked up at her mom with hatred in her eyes.
Alex stood up then and said, “Elizabeth, we can still go forward with the proceedings, we have two notaries here, if Tawnee swears in front of the notaries and gets something signed that says she took Lauren’s virginity AFTER the wedding ceremony, I don’t see any problems. We of course should go forward with this consummation for our guests’ enjoyment.”
Elizabeth calmed down a bit and Tawnee, Elizabeth, Alex and the attorneys gathered around the table as the proper paperwork was signed and notarized.
The deal was done. Lauren was effectively sold for $187 million in holdings in the Cantrell’s business concerns. Alex Jacobs now had a 28% stake in the Cantrell International Hedge Fund LLC. The two families were now bound together financially and by marriage.
“Well,” said Elizabeth, “Susan do you have a second bladder of semen. It seems my daughter has ejaculated prematurely.”
The whole crowd laughed at Elizabeth’s joke. Except of course Lauren who was crying on the bed, virtually ignored by everyone at the proceedings.
Susan left the room but came back shortly with a second bladder full of cum. She handed it to Elizabeth.
She held it up for the guests to see. “Spouses have performed the conjugal act as both a symbol of and an actuality of marriage since time immemorial. We gather here today to see this ancient rite continued. Today we will watch as my daughter Tawnee Cantrell takes her wife’s virginity (well we’ll just have to imagine that part) and thus consummate the relationship.”
She handed the bladder to her daughter. Tawnee quickly attached the replacement and then unzipped her pants to pull out the plastic cock.
“Bring the whore, I want this cunt cleaned up before my daughter fucks it again.”
Coquette and Miranda dragged Allie out from behind the row of chairs. She was naked and her hands were bound behind her, tightly up to the elbows. The two maids lifted her up onto the bed and moved her face up to the cum filled pussy.
“Clean it for us whore, clean it for her wife. I want it glistening and ready for my daughter’s cock.”
Allie didn’t want to participate in the travesty of a consummation. She sat back on her heels and shook her head refusing to clean Lauren’s pussy.
Elizabeth scanned the crowd quickly and spotted Nicole. “Nicole, your bitch won’t perform, do you want to whip her or should I?”
Nicole stood and casually walked over to the foot of the bed. “Oh, I would love to help the festivities. Please allow me.”
Susan handed her a 4 foot horse whip and then stood back. Nicole bent it a couple times.
“Now Allie, you know how much I enjoy this. Are you quite done embarrassing me? You can spare yourself the switch here if you do as you are told.”
Nicole didn’t wait for Allie to answer but swung the whip, Sthwissssh…SNIICK! Hitting the middle of Allies back, across the tops of her arms as well, bound as they were..
“AAEEEEeeee!” Allie screamed and squirmed, but stayed kneeling and refusing.
Nicole smiled to the audience who were thoroughly enjoying the little wench getting disciplined.
“Allie, Allie, Allie, you should know by now that I can whip you much longer than you can take it. And believe me, if you refuse for too long I will take you straight home and beat you senseless. I would have to, you must learn obedience.”
“Now Allie, stick out your tongue and start cleaning Lauren’s beautiful pussy. You don’t want to make me mad.”
Allie snaked her tongue out and started to lick Lauren’s pussy. Tawnee’s semen gave it a different flavor, one she wasn’t used to. She sucked the cum and swallowed, forcing herself not to gag.
Isis and Aurora stood outside on the back patio with the rest of the guests that weren’t on the “A” list and therefore not admitted to the private ceremony inside. They had to be satisfied with the close circuit broadcast on the four plasma screens put up around the patio.
There, emblazoned in 1080i perfection was the entire scene.
Isis no longer wondered where Allie was. She could see her very clearly, her tongue lapping away at the bride’s vagina, cleaning the pussy for Tawnee to fuck.
In many ways they had a much better view than those attending inside. They could clearly see Allie’s tongue enter Lauren’s pussy, her lips press against the bride’s labia, even down to the detail of the thin trail of saliva connecting Allie’s lower lip to the vulva of the girl as she pulled back for a breath.
The several hundred guests gathered outside mingled, drank wine, talked small talk and passed comments and judgments on the consummation ceremony taking place indoors. It was a very elegant affair of course.
Finally Elizabeth pulled Allie away from Lauren’s pussy by her hair. Lauren was properly cleaned and her entire crotch area was glistening and almost pulsing in anticipation.
“Thank you Nicole, I am done with your pet, you may have her back.” Said Alex, as she pushed Allie over on her side, she toppled out of balance and slid off the bed to hit the floor painfully, she had no way to protect herself.
Tawnee climbed up on the bed and knelt behind Lauren. Lauren felt Tawnee behind her and as the head of Tawnee’s cock kissed her vagina she started to squirm around, trying to prevent the inevitable. Tawnee grabbed Lauren’s hips and through her strength lined up her cock with her wife’s pussy.
Lauren turned her head to the side and saw Allie lying on the floor. Their eyes locked together and suddenly Lauren calmed down. Allie mouthed the words “I love you.” Lauren knew then that this all didn’t matter. Allie was there with her, she could bear it. She floated out of her body and let what was going to happen simply happen.
She mouthed a reply, “I love you.”
Just then Tawnee was ready. “With this thrust, I thee wed,” she said and then impaled her bride with her cock. It slid in smoothly to 5 inches thanks to the expert tongue work by Allie. Lauren closed her eyes and whispered quietly to herself, “I love Allie, I love Allie, I love Allie.”
The crowd clapped with some approving polite cheers.
Tawnee pulled almost all the way out, just leaving the head inside Lauren’s nether lips and then sank back in all the way into her wife. The screens outside showed the close-up of the strapon embedded fully into Lauren’s pussy. Tawnee started a slow rhythm in and out of Lauren’s cunt.
Lauren whispered in time to the thrusts, “Allie….Allie…Allie.” Allie could see what she was mouthing and started crying along with her love at the tragedy. How could they all be so cruel?!
Tawnee built up her speed. The whole scene had the character of ritual to it. The fucking was rhythmic and machine like. The attending women were having their wine glasses refilled. Elizabeth and Alex were finalizing the paperwork. Allie remained on the floor next to the bed like a sacrifice. Nicole was enjoying the display immensely. Even Mistress Jytte in attendance showed more than her usual bored disdain, she had a rare thin smile.
And they all waited for the appropriate time. The finale’.
The crowd started to chant along with Tawnee’s fucking. “Tawn-ee…Tawn-ee…Tawn-ee”
The passion built.
They all felt the crescendo approach.
Tawnee pulled the cum filled bladder out of her pocket and held it up for all to see.
“TAWNEE,” thrust, “TAWNEE,” thrust, “TAWNEE,” thrust… Elizabeth held her hands up for quiet.
The crowd fell silent. Even the audience outside watching the televisions stopped their conversations, waiters and servers stopped moving. They all watched the ultimate act happening in high definition perfection.
“allie.” Lauren whispered once more as Tawnee sank into her and stopped thrusting, holding herself still, fully embedded in her wife’s cunt.
Tawnee squeezed the ball of cum, ejaculating semen into her wife’s womb. The crowd erupted in applause. Outside the small orchestra began playing chamber music and the guests picked up their conversation where it had paused.
Both Allie and Lauren continued to cry as Tawnee squeezed and squeezed the cum bladder until it was dry. She then started fucking Lauren fiercely for a few minutes. Then pulled out.
She walked over to the side of the bed where Allie was and pulled her to her knees. Allie knew what to do before being told and started to lick and clean Tawnee’s cock.
The guests all came up around Tawnee to congratulate her. They stood around her, ignoring Allie as she licked the plastic strap-on dildo clean. As Tawnee was shaking hands and saying “thank yous” she reached down and nonchalantly pushed Allie away, she fell to her side again, naked and forgotten at the feet of the women talking to Tawnee.
Lauren was unbound from the bed and helped to her feet. Her eyes were red from crying.
Tawnee turned to Coquette and Miranda, “Fix her up quickly, we need to go outside for the rest of the festivities.”
Coquette and Miranda took Lauren to the bathroom and fixed her makeup and smoothed her dress again, making her more like a bride again.
Nicole pulled Allie to her feet and untied her arms and led her out of the house to the rest of the party. Allie was in a daze.
It was then that she spotted Isis. Her heart lifted from the bottom of despair as hope rushed in. Isis put a finger to her lips. Allie nodded slightly and followed Nicole out to the pavilion. Nobody commented on Allie’s nakedness, there were a few other girls in minimal or no dress around the party.
After a few minutes Tawnee and her bride Lauren emerged from the house. Lauren was still in complete shock but Tawnee smiled, enjoying the whole affair immensely.
The rest of the reception went on as a caricature of a normal party. There was dancing and cake cutting even a bouquet toss. Soon everyone was seated around the tables and the champagne was poured in anticipation of the toast by Alex the mother of the bride.
The bridal party was seated at the head of the table. Alex stood with a glass of champagne and started her toast to the wedded couple.
“I would like to thank you all for coming today,” Alex waited for the clapping to die down, “As the mother of the bride I want to say that you’ve never fully experienced life until you’ve experienced your daughter.” Laughter filled the room at her joke. She let the room quiet down to some light chuckles.
“We have many people here in the room…” Alex shut up all of a sudden as Lauren screamed, “AAeEEAAAE!”
“Get your fucking hands off me you GODDAMMED BITCH!” And with that Lauren punched Tawnee in the face.