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Allie and Nicole (21) |
F/f F+/f F+/f+ exhibition teen WaterSport BDSM slavery bondage HighSchool humiliation nc Serious
Foreword : This tale is from the author Annie the slick.
She wrote two other stories : "Modern Maid" et "L.E.Z. – The Lesbian Sorority".
Some month ago, after email contact, Annie gave me the permission to translate this story in french.
Synopsis: Allie is a 15 year old girl that loses both her parents in an auto accident. She is taken in by her one time babysitter, Nicole, who has always lusted after her. Poor Allie is humiliated and forced to satisfy her new Mistress in many inventive ways.
Part 21 – Chocolate
Lauren: the "bride"
Tawnee: the "groom"
Alex: Lauren's step-mom
Allie: dessert course
And introducing - Chef Pellastrano
Ahh chocolate...don't we all just love it. Poor Allie, now she
becomes a pawn in the Cantrell-Jacobs plans. How will she EVER
escape this madness.
Lauren woke the day before her wedding with a purpose. She now realized that she loved Allie deeply and going through with the farce of a wedding to Tawnee was something she must fight. Even though Allie herself had told her that she must go through with the wedding it still was more important to be true to herself and end it before it began.
She decided she needed to talk to her step-mom and reason with her.
She had to convince her that she just couldn’t go through with the wedding.
“Show her in Susan.” Alex was at her desk going over some of the final preparations for the wedding. Susan opened the door and let Lauren come into the office.
“What is it Lauren, I am very busy finalizing your wedding plans.” Alex looked annoyed at Lauren.
“I…umm…Alex…I” Lauren stammered.
“Out with it girl!”
“I-can’t-get-married-tomorrow-because-I-love-Allie-and well I just can’t.” She blurted out in a rush.
Alex put the paper she was holding down on the desk and leaned back in her chair.
“Can’t get married hmmm.” She put her elbows on the arms of her chair and brought the tips of her fingers together. “Can’t get married, now that’s interesting.”
“I just can’t, I don’t love Tawnee, I love Allie, and if you force me into the marriage with Tawnee I’ll hate myself.”
“Hate yourself, yeah.” Alex sat still thinking for a minute, “Do you mean to tell me that you really love that whore Allie?”
“She’s only a whore because she’s forced to be one, and yes I do love her.”
“Well now,” said Alex as she smiled, “That is interesting. My own daughter in love with the whore Allie. Yes quite interesting.”
The smile left her face and she looked Lauren directly in the eyes.
“Nope, I’m sorry the wedding is on. I will not have my daughter marrying some FUCKING prostitute.” She stood up and walked around the table, and stood in front of Lauren.
“You,” she said point a finger at Lauren, “are the key part of a bargain that I have spent years putting together. I won’t have some teenage crush, based no doubt on some professional sexual skill with tongue and some cheap plastic anal cock action to ruin my plans!”
Alex walked around behind Lauren, leaned in quietly and whispered, “After you are married you may work something out with your wife about keeping Allie around as a plaything. Who knows maybe Tawnee will become infatuated with her talents as much as you have.”
Lauren tried one last time, “please?”
“Fuck no!” answered Alex.
“Now,” and she walked back around the table and sat down, “get the fuck out!”
Susan opened the door and Lauren left, crying softly.
After she was gone Alex smiled and looked up at Susan.
“She’s mine now,” Said Alex.
“Mistress what do you mean?”
“Call Nicole, I want to talk to her about buying Allie for an extended stay at the manor.”
Alex smiled and started to chuckle, “Don’t you understand Susan, I have my lever. That twat of a step-daughter will do everything I ask once I have her precious Allie under my toe.”
Allie arrived once again on the doorstep of the Jacobs manor. This time without a stitch of clothing. She just stood naked and resigned in front of the door. The humiliation had lost its sharpness.
The door opened and Allie recognized the woman Susan. She didn’t let Allie in right away. But enjoyed the view. Allie just stood there on the threshold naked with her head bowed in despair.
Finally, “Come in whore.”
Allie entered.
“Come with me.” And she led Allie down the hallway to Alex’s office.
Once inside Susan told her to kneel in the middle of the room, facing the desk, away from the door.
“Mistress Alex will be here soon. Remain where you are until she comes for you.”
With that Susan left.
Allie waited for some time, she lost track, but it seemed like it must have been 20 minutes or more. Finally the door opened and Alex came in.
“ahhh yes, the whore.” Allie let her head hang, there was nothing she could say or do. Alex entered the room and slowly walked up to where Allie knelt. She casually ran a hand across the girl’s head as she walked past.
“The FUCKING whore that has besotted my step-daughter.” With that she sat behind her desk. Allie could just barely see over the edge from her position on the floor.
“What are we to do with you…?”
Alex picked up the phone and dialed.
“Elizabeth it’s Alex…Yes yes I’m excited to be done with this too…Yes she is going to be a little spirited fun for Tawnee, but then Tawnee likes her that way now doesn’t she.”
“Look I’ve got a solution to our worries and I’m wondering if you want to help me out with a little something.”
“Well you know that little lezzy whore, Allie? Well it seems my little slut of a daughter Lauren has fallen in love with the cunt.”
Allie looked up at that statement…Lauren loved her. At least there was one person in this world that thought of her as more than a tongue and a cunt.
“I know it is funny isn’t it.” Alex continued chuckling along with Elizabeth on the other end of the line.
“Well I’ve purchased her services for the next several days from Nicole…ya that Nicole.”
“Well what I was thinking is you have those girls lined up to participate in the rehearsal dinner? How about using the little bitch here instead of one of them.”
“Delightful, I’ll send Susan over with the cunt shortly…I’ll see you at six.”
She hung up the phone.
“There now I think this will be fun…well not for you, but for me it is going to be very, VERY enjoyable.” Alex smiled one of her evil smiles.
Allie was brought in; hog tied and laid down in the middle of the kitchen. Three other naked girls were brought in and placed next to Allie. They were all on their stomachs, all hogtied and gagged, mere ingredients for the dinner, garnishes as it were.
The kitchen staff was very busy getting it all prepared, there were three different platforms being developed. One for the appetizer, one for the main course and one for the dessert. Allie was of course destined for the dessert course.
The head chef was an imperious man with a fastidious mustache.
“Now teams are we fully prepared.”
Allie craned her neck and noticed there were three groups of chefs and attendants standing ready.
“Then we begin.” And he clapped his hands.
Suddenly there was a bustle of activity and Allie grunted as she was lifted up off the floor.
Before she knew it she was bound to a unique chair. It sat on a pedestal and held her legs spread and arms position such that her hands were raised to the side as if she were holding trays of food. Her ball gag was kept in her mouth as the dessert staff began their preparations.
It was 10am, the rehearsal dinner wasn’t until 7pm and dessert would be around 11. Allie was in for a long wait.
The preparations began with a thorough cleaning inside and out. Her vaginal area was shaved smooth she was rubbed down with a light alcohol based soap. She was given three enemas and two douches.
Once properly cleaned she was securely attached to the pedestal by an anal plug. The chair was ingenious. It was designed to bear her weight in this position with as little stress on her muscles as possible. For although no-one involved had any qualms about inflicting pain on the girl, it was required that she remain as still as possible so the layers of chocolate would not crack.
For there would be a lot of chocolate.
The frame of the chair was shaped to her position so all the weight was held by the metal structure. Even her fingers were held in place by little spidery metal arms. Two zip ties per finger kept each one immobilized.
A nurse came around to each of the girls being prepared in turn. Her job was to insert a catheter into the urethra of each. The girls would be immobile for 9-13 hours. They all had their anus’ plugged but stopping the pee was a harder task. From trial and error it was determined that letting the bladder empty was the safest way to keep the respective dishes from being spoilt by an unexpected urination.
She also administered a relaxant to Allie via a shot.
Quickly Allie was stoned and didn’t care as much what happened. She watched the rest of the proceedings as if it was happening to someone else. Detached and high.
The last step before they began preparing Allie as the dessert was to prepare her head. They carefully wrapped her hair. It would be allowed to be free after completion, the effect would be stunning. They plugged her ears and inserted straws in her nose so she could breath. Then ever so carefully then glued her eyes shut with organic glue.
Allie was told to keep them closed.
She was ready for the first coat. The head chef came over to supervise the appliqué. He told her that she was going to be sprayed with a hot liquid everywhere, it was going to hurt some but she could bear it, there would be no damage.
It was a hot toffee like substance. The base for the creation.
The head chef picked up an air paint sprayer and started spraying the girl. A quick burst first so the girl could get used to it then a long blast over her entire front. The heat burned Allie briefly where ever it touched. She couldn’t move an inch if she wanted to. It hurt worst where it touched her face.
The head chef did her nipples and cunt last. He had his staff bring out some ice cubes and rubbed them on Allie’s nipples making them hard and pert. Once satisfied he quickly had them dried and then shot them with the toffee, freezing them in their aroused state. The rings in her nipples were slightly lifted as well to make sure they remained prominent for the later steps.
He paid careful attention to her pussy. For this he pulled out a brush. Positioning the labia and the inner lips in as much of a pout as possible. Working around the catheter and providing a tantalizing glimpse into the teens most private depths.
He finished the first coat and Allie was quickly wheeled into the large freezer to harden.
She was in there for 15 minutes and then brought out for a second coat of the toffee. This one was thicker and applied more briskly. Allie barely felt the heat this time. Again the maestro used the brush on her quim. But the rest was sprayed. Allie had a hardened shell over her entire body from her fingertips to her cunt to her toes.
Again she went into the freezer, this time for 30 minutes.
By the time she came out it was after 12 noon and it was time to begin the layers of chocolate. The master chef did all the spraying. It was important to put the chocolate on thick where the drips added to the artistic impression and not detract from it.
The face and the breasts and the pussy were carefully sprayed with chocolate so that their shapes were always clearly visible. The arms and legs were covered more liberally, the chocolate allowed to flow more.
Four coats of chocolate, a 40 minute stay in the freezer each time. Allie needed the cooling otherwise she would overheat.
Finally the last coat of chocolate went on her. She was covered in a half inch of chocolate in places, in others it was much thinner. Her face and pussy had the thinnest covering. You could still make out the locket embedded in her clit, her nipple rings and of course the ballgag in her mouth.
It was 5pm and the dessert staff still had a lot of work to do. They wheeled Allie the dessert into the freezer and started to paint her. The paint was a mixture of white chocolate and red food coloring, It made a bright shade of pink. Her lips and nipples and pussy were all carefully painted to display the beauty of their creation.
The last bits were added.
Trays were placed on her hands that contained caramel and other delectable dipping sauces. Her hair was carefully removed from its confines and styled by an attending hair dresser.
The last thing done was the master chef came into the freezer and ever so precisely cut the chocolate away from Allie’s eyes with a knife, it was delicate work and only he could be trusted to do it. Once free the glue holding them shut was cleaned away and Allie could see again. A mirror was brought out so she could see herself.
She was a chocolate woman both delicious and lecherous at the same time.
The rehearsal dinner was an extravagant affair. It was the event of the year for the social circle within which the Cantrell’s and Jacobs’ belonged. Most in attendance were of course women although there was a smattering of men. Each and every person there was dressed to perfection.
Tawnee was dressed in a black evening dress that showed off her superb strong young body. Her kickboxing lessons had produced a body of tightly wound strength. She had not an ounce of fat on her. The black dress accentuated her breasts that hung in defiance of gravity high, pert and strong. The dress was slit up the side up to her waist which allowed her muscular leg to peek out occasionally as she walked.
Handcuffed to black gloved wrist was the white gloved wrist of her bride-to-be Lauren.
She was dressed in the matching dress to Tawnee although hers was white. It fit her quite a bit differently than Tawnee. For where Tawnee had wiry muscle Lauren was soft and nubile. Where Tawnee had a six pack Lauren had smooth perfection.
And where Tawnee was actively smiling and openly enjoying herself, Lauren was despondent and showing a façade of a smile born from the threat of pain and degradation.
She went along beside her betrothed as a white shadow talking only when spoken to, attending only to those who required it. She was near hopeless. Only Allie’s promise of escape from the nightmare kept her from snapping right in the middle of dinner.
A small gong intoned to get the audience’s attention.
Susan announced the first course: “Chef Pelastrano is pleased to present; la Mer”.
The kitchen staff briskly wheeled out a table with the appetizer into the center of the room. A living mermaid lay upon it; her naked breasts freshly pierced with 4 inch fish hooks. She was bound in chains as if caught on the deck of a fishing trawler, her hands secured above her head on a metal ring. She was surrounded by a wide variety of seafood appetizers. Her lower body covered in a creamy topping for all the assorted finger food.
The girl of course had a gag in her mouth, it was required that she not ruin the festivities.
The guests all gathered around the delectable girl and partake of the starter. Hands often lingered on her, comments were made about the superb presentation. Everyone anticipated the next courses to come.
Talk proceeded and drinks were refreshed until dinner was announced and all the guests took their seats. The appetizer was wheeled back to the kitchen where it was unceremoniously shoved against the back wall, ignored for now, the girl still bound now completely naked, the creamy topping having been scraped clean off her lower body.
Once they were all seated the lights were dimmed and the chef himself came out.
“Ladies..” He looked around, “..and gentlemen. I have had the privilege of presenting my pièce de résistance tonight and I hope you enjoy eating it as much as I did creating it.”
“I present to you, Wellington a la Femme!”
And with that the main course was wheeled out. There was an audible gasp from the crowd, there were even a few screams.
For what appeared on the table was a skewered and bar-b-qued naked young girl!
A one inch thick iron skewer rod appearing to enter her mouth and pass through the cooked body of her torso and exit her anus. She was lying on her back, with her crispied stomach thrust up, her ankles and wrists bound to each other, her head pulled back, a dirty burnt rag tied tightly over her eyes and the lips of her mouth around the steel rod like a big black metallic cock.
The chef let the crowd work itself up into hysterics, for there were limits even with this crowd to what they were willing to do. There were a few people in attendance that licked their lips and appreciated the possibility of actually dining on human flesh, but most were horrified.
There was a crescendo of noise as the outrage roiled in the crowd.
Once he was satisfied they were properly roused he ripped the lower covering away from the table exposing his illusion to the audience. For below the table everyone could now see it was not one girl but two. Positioned in such a way that one girl appeared as the head and shoulders and breasts of the cannibalistic feast and the other girl the waist, cunt and legs.
Stunned silence filled the room followed shortly after by a round of applause accompanied by “Bravo” and “Maestro”. Chef Pelastrano beamed in pride and bowed to crowd.
The two girls were bound severely under the table. The girl portraying the lower half of the body had a face dildo strapped to her head with a vibrating dildo attached. Her head was between the legs of the other girl, her plastic face-cock was embedded in the upper girl’s cunt. It had been inserted hours ago and by now the upper girl had cum many times. The lower girl’s face was covered in cum juice and piss as the top girl had also been unable to hold her bladder.
Chef Pelastrano clapped his hands and his staff went to work. They brought out two more tables with the side dishes on it and handed Chef Pelastrano a long carving knife. They also re-attached the lower covering to the table, the illusion became real once more.
He ceremoniously sharpened the blade as his staff continued to prepare to serve the course.
Chef Pelastrano handed the sharpener to his sous chef and accepted the proffered carving fork. Then he turned to the body of the girl, slicing into the soft flesh of her stomach and carving the ne-human flesh into single servings. The first plate was brought forth and the chef placed the first slice upon it.
He handed the knife and fork to his assistant and carried the plate to the head table.
“Mademoiselle, I hope you enjoy the meal.” And with that he placed the slice of girl meat with flair in front of Lauren. Lauren was almost sick to her stomach with the display. She understood there were some in the audience that were disappointed with the charade. Wishing that the soft flesh of a girl were the true serving on their plates.
The chef turned and spoke once more, “Enjoy!” and with that his staff fairly flew around the table. Slicing the girl up and serving, the red juice from the meat flowing onto the table like thin blood. The meal was enjoyed by all in the crowd save Lauren who didn’t touch her meal.
The whole time she sat she and Tawnee had to move their attached hands in unison. Lauren could think of nothing that could make this night worse.
And then came dessert.
After all the dinners had been finished and the tables cleared and the wine glasses refilled, the dessert was served.
Allie was wheeled out. She was on her pedestal looking like a lude mix between an old tree, a statue and a woman. Her legs were spread and her arms raised holding the two trays of dipping sauce. The chocolate delicacy before them made the guests murmur in approval. The painted pink of her pussy and nipples stood out to the crowd. The dessert chefs had even painted her locket and nipple rings gold to set them off against the brown of the chocolate.
Chef Pelastrano came out again this time this time equipped with a hammer. The murmured approval turned into applause as he approached Allie in the middle of the room. The guest all rose and gave him a standing ovation.
“Ladies and Gentlemen. With this dessert there will be a small break with decorum. This is a participatory dessert. You must come up and sample the dish yourselves. It is a form of art that requires the audience to enjoy more than the mere flavor of the chocolate morsel but the unveiling of the female form during the process.”
He turned towards Allie, raised the hammer and whacked her right in her stomach, shattering the chocolate covering her tummy.
“That should be sufficient for you to begin.”
“Please come enjoy.” And with that he bowed and walked away to applause once more.
The guests all stood and made their way to the center of the room to surround Allie. Lauren wished she could hold back and not participate in the degradation of her true love but Tawnee insisted.
They made their way to Allie, the guests made way for the pair. Once in front of Allie, Lauren could see Allie’s eyes peering out from behind the chocolate mask. A small portion of the chocolate around the stomach had already been peeled and eaten.
Tawnee reached in with her cuffed hand, dragging Lauren’s hand in as well. She gripped one of the nipples between her fingers and viciously snapped off its chocolate covering, smiling at her competitor for Lauren’s love, as the pain from the chocolate being broken registered in Allie’s eyes as they rolled up into her head. She could do nothing else she was bound so tight.
For Tawnee knew that what Lauren gave to Allie freely, Tawnee could never have save a pale reflection of it that she could extract from her bride through force and pain. She hated Allie for it. For now she realized that what she truly wanted was to own Lauren completely and as long as Allie was in the world Lauren could not be fully hers.
She was going to have to get rid of Allie.
She held the chocolate nipple up to show Allie and then popped it in her mouth, crunching and crushing the milk chocolate purposefully.
“Delicious” She said. She reached up to the other nipple and snapped it off as well, Allie moaned in her ballgag. Tawnee dipped it in the caramel sauce tray on Allie’s hand-pedestal and then turned to face Lauren.
“Open your mouth Lauren.” Lauren hesitated.
“Open up my bride.” Tawnee said it through a gritted teeth smile.
Lauren acquiesced and opened her mouth. Tawnee put the chocolate in the other girl’s mouth and then leaned in and kissed her deeply. Allie started to cry softly as Tawnee led Lauren away from the living dessert.
The guests closed in around Allie and began to rip the chocolate covering off the girl. Each little rip was like pulling a band-aid off your skin. Some women did it fast some did it slow and easy. But with all the hands reaching in and grabbing and snapping and ripping and cracking.
It was the most refined torture Allie had ever experienced.
Elegantly dressed women and men cracking layers of chocolate off of her skin, first here on her stomach, then there on the back of her arm, then her inner thigh, then the back of her neck, then wrist, elbow, finger, toe, calf, breast, hip. Each pull, each tear, a little sharp pain. Water torture of a thousand cuts.
She was going insane.
She wanted to scream but all that was coming was a warbling moan. Her eyes were scrunched tight. Her breathing labored.
And it went on and on. And the guests didn’t care, they would reach in and rip a chunk off the girl, and then go back to their small talk with the other guests. She WAS merely the dessert. To be enjoyed.
Finally as most of the chocolate had been removed, Alex came forward. The chocolate covering Allie’s cunt was still intact.
“Oh, my…saving me the best part how nice.” She reached down to the girl’s crotch and while looking Allie directly in the eye ripped the chocolate away from her vagina. Allie screamed as the pain overwhelmed her.
She passed out as Alex laughed at her.
She woke in pitch blackness again. She knew where she was, back in the trunk of Alex’s Jaguar. Allie cried quietly to herself in the stuffy darkness, still bound, still with chocolate pieces stuck to her in places.